Sushi Maki con sardine & basilico e con Poke al salmone
Sushi Maki con sardine & basilico e con Poke al salmone

Sushi Maki con sardine & basilico e con Poke al salmone

Tempo totale35 Min
35 MinTempo di preparazione

Roll di sushi al pesce - in 2 modi diversi! Questi roll di stile giapponese sono una combo perfetta - uno è farcito con sardine in scatola e l'altro con salmone marinato nella Salsa Poke Kikkoman. Un pranzo facile da preparare a casa con l'aiuto di un tappetino per sushi - provateli!


12 Porzioni

1) Maki Sushi with Sardines & Basil

40 g
sardine fillets, in oil (canned)
2 cucchiaini
pickled ginger or chopped ginger
3 ½ 
basil leaves
nori sheet
70 g
cooked sushi rice
 ½ cucchiaino
wasabi paste

2) Maki Sushi with Salmon Poke

raw salmon strips, approx. 6-9cm long
long cucumber strip, approx. 10-12cm long
nori sheet
70 g
cooked sushi rice
 ½ cucchiaino
wasabi paste

Alternative for Kikkoman Poke Sauce:

3 g
2 g
lemon juice

To serve:

Pickled ginger
wasabi paste
Valori nutrizionali (per porzione):290 kJ / 69 kcal
2 gGrassi
4 gProteine
8,6 gCarboidrati


Passaggio 1

Maki Sushi with Sardines & Basil

  1. Dab the oil from the sardines with a paper towel and chop the sardines.
  2. Put the sardines in a bowl and add the Salsa di Soia Kikkoman.
  3. Roughly chop the ginger and pluck the basil leaves.
  4. Mix ginger, basil and marinated sardines.
  5. Place ½ nori sheet on the sushi mat.
  6. Spread the sushi rice on it with wet fingers.
  7. Spread wasabi paste with finger lengthwise along the middle of the sushi rice (wasabi paste can be omitted).
  8. Place 4 tsp of sardine mixture lengthwise along the middle of the sushi rice.
  9. Roll up with the help of the sushi mat and cut into 6 equal pieces.
  10. Arrange with pickled ginger and wasabi paste.

Passaggio 2

Maki Sushi with Salmon Poke

  1. Marinate the salmon strips in the Kikkoman Poke Sauce* for about 30 minutes.
  2. Remove the seeds from the cucumber and cut the cucumber into thinner strips.
  3. Place ½ nori sheet on the sushi mat.
  4. Spread the sushi rice on it with wet fingers.
  5. Spread wasabi paste with finger lengthwise narrowly along the middle of the sushi rice (Wasabi paste can be omitted).
  6. Place marinated salmon strips and cucumber strips lengthwise along the middle of the sushi rice. 
  7. Roll up and cut into 6 equal pieces with the help of the sushi mat.
  8. Arrange with pickled ginger and wasabi paste.


Per cucinare il riso, usare il rapporto riso: acqua = 1 : 1. Per cucinare il riso per sushi è necessaria meno acqua che per il riso “normale”.

Riso per sushi (circa 1 kg di riso per sushi cotto)

  • 450 g di riso giapponese
  • 450 ml di acqua

Cuocere per prima cosa il riso e poi condirlo con

  • 100 ml di Condimento Riso per Sushi Kikkoman

o in alternativa:

  • 70 ml di aceto di vino
  • 30 gr di zucchero
  • 15 gr di sale

ID della ricetta: 940

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Maki Sushi with Sardines & Basil

  1. Dab the oil from the sardines with a paper towel and chop the sardines.
  2. Put the sardines in a bowl and add the Salsa di Soia Kikkoman.
  3. Roughly chop the ginger and pluck the basil leaves.
  4. Mix ginger, basil and marinated sardines.
  5. Place ½ nori sheet on the sushi mat.
  6. Spread the sushi rice on it with wet fingers.
  7. Spread wasabi paste with finger lengthwise along the middle of the sushi rice (wasabi paste can be omitted).
  8. Place 4 tsp of sardine mixture lengthwise along the middle of the sushi rice.
  9. Roll up with the help of the sushi mat and cut into 6 equal pieces.
  10. Arrange with pickled ginger and wasabi paste.

Maki Sushi with Salmon Poke

  1. Marinate the salmon strips in the Kikkoman Poke Sauce* for about 30 minutes.
  2. Remove the seeds from the cucumber and cut the cucumber into thinner strips.
  3. Place ½ nori sheet on the sushi mat.
  4. Spread the sushi rice on it with wet fingers.
  5. Spread wasabi paste with finger lengthwise narrowly along the middle of the sushi rice (Wasabi paste can be omitted).
  6. Place marinated salmon strips and cucumber strips lengthwise along the middle of the sushi rice. 
  7. Roll up and cut into 6 equal pieces with the help of the sushi mat.
  8. Arrange with pickled ginger and wasabi paste.

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